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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 173 per cent times Our highest performing December tweet appeared on Twitter, demonstratingour followers found our informationimportant enough to share with theirown followers. 20 2015 50% up to 4x communications update Developing relationships with key community and government stakeholders The clicks on our Facebook advertisingwas 173 per cent higher than theclick through rates across many industries, indicating Canadians found our content trustworthy and interesting. Positioning CEPA as a trusted source of pipeline information and data per cent Increase in our Facebook followers in December, which shows that anincreasing number of people are looking for thistype of information and trust that CEPA is a reliable source. Number of people who opened Let's Keep Canada Movinge-mails, clicked through to the site. Industry averagesfor clicks on campaign e-mails are 20 to 30 per cent. Increasing internal and member awareness and support for CEPA and the industry cepaNET will launch for CEPAstaff. This internal website willallow for better disseminationof information, which will improve collaboration, project work andoverall understanding. Spring 2015 Activating stakeholders to discuss, share and show their support Representing the industry's voice in the media with interviews for: Inaugural issue of the membernewsletter will launch. Withupdates on CEPA initiatives,a feature article and industryinsights, the member newsletterwill help our members betterunderstand CEPA's role in supportingand improving industry performance. See the progress the communications and outreach team is makingtowards our goals and objectives for 2015. Aligned togoal 1:Performance andgoal 3: Credibility and Engagement Aligned togoal 3: Credibility &Engagement responsible growth Was the focus of our participation in the New Westminster Trans Mountain Pipeline ExpansionTown Hall Meeting. improvement CEPA's participation in the Premier'sB.C. Natural Resource Forum and importance of market access Presented to over 600 stakeholders at the Premier'sB.C. Natural Resource Forum, discussing CEPA's contribution to responsible growth of our natural resource industry. Connecting with key stakeholders on: continuous The importance of transportingCanadian crude to the U.S. What lies ahead forthe pipeline industry in 2015 Edmonton Journal Calgary Herald Other provinces who have similar rulings to B.C. on naturalgas pipeline conversions 3600 Canadian Well Building an engaged, online community Construction Journal CBC Radio (French) collaboration getting the Increased That's the goal of ourproposed Internal Communicationswork group. We want to connectwith our members' internalcommunications team toencourage enable, encourageand support greater informationtransfer and meaningful dialogue across message We’re developing communications collateral to support the CEPAIntegrity First communications strategy. Updated and expanded content will be published on An Integrity Firstlunch and learn for CEPA staff is coming soon. CEPA The member newsletterhas an editorial boardconsisting of a cross-sectionof CEPA staff to provideguidance and expertise. staff Insights from 25 The percentage higher we received in online line adclicks compared to industry averages. This is likelydue to a strategic advertising buy and placement,as well as intriguing copy and designthat motivated Canadians to learn more. 2015 This year, we will continue with current adsbut will create ads specifically focused on safetyand Integrity First to raise awareness of industryperformance. We will also focus on refining thestrategy, including reviewing our audiences,digital placement and desired outcomes. Our click through rates on stories were three to four timeshigher than industry averages. This means people spentmore time reading the stories and exploring the sitethan they do on most websites. Many also took someform of action: retweeting content, signing up tothe site and endorsing quotes.This demonstrates the contentis working the way we intended - and people are responding well. This year, story development will continue, but we are plan toincorporate strategies that stem from our research results aboutsharing local perspectives and being aggressively honest and open. This includes regional fact sheets, targeted social media and story gathering. 56.8 Engaging Canadians through advertising million times in 2014 that the people we considered to be important and in our target audience viewed our messages. Key takeaways Our digital content and advertising are resonating with stakeholders Localized outreachefforts are key tobuilding media andstakeholderrelationships Supporters want toengage with us andshare our content - we need to have theright tools in place Broadeningcommunications with our members is critical January 2015 Aligned togoal 3: Credibility &Engagement Aligned togoal 3: Credibility &Engagement
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