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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 The CanadianCharter of Rightsand Freedoms by Maria and Sarah Fundamental Freedoms Democratic Rights Mobility Rights Legal Rights Equality Rights Official Languagesof Canada Minority LanguageEducation Rights Enforcement General Everyone in Canadais entitled to the rights andfreedoms set out in the Charter. You have the freedom to;a)choose and practice a religion, b)speak and express you opinion,c)arrange and attend peacefulgatherings, andd)be a part of anything you choose The legislative assemblies withinCanada are open to, and selectedby the vote of, citizens of the country who areof legal age. Each elected assembly shall have a term of no more than five years(except in emergency situations), and the assemblymust convene at least once annually. Application ofCharter Canadian citizens may move freelyin, out and throughout the country.People also have the right to liveand work in any province, with some limitations. For example, if aprovince has many unemployedresidents, they may refuse those looking for employment. Or, they mayspecify who public services are available to, such as people who have lived there fora certain amount of time. You are in control of you life, andcan make your own decisions,provided you abide by the law.You have the right to not face search or seizure, or be detained, without a legal warrant or evidence against you. When arrested you have the right to;a) be told the reasoning for youarrestb) to receive legal advice (from an attorney c) to receive a judge's opinion onthe validity of your arrest Any person charged with an offensehas the right;a) to be informed of the charge(s)b) to be tried within a reasonable timec) to not have to speak as a witnessagainst yourself in courtd) be considered innocent until provenguiltye)be denied bail only if there is a just reason(ex: you could be dangerous to the public)f) if the maximum punishment for the chargeis 5+ years in prison, you have the right totrial by juryg) to only be charged for an offenseif there was a law against it at the momentthe crime was committedh) to only be tried and punished one time for any individual chargei)receive the lesser punishment if the laws are change between the time the offense was committed and the time of sentencing Canadian citizens must be treatedfairly, even in the act of legalpunishment. Any evidence given as a witnesscannot be used against the witnessin the future. You have the right to a translatorand/or interpreter in legal matters. Every person is to be consideredequal, and has the right to not facediscrimination. Anything whichbenefits the minority is not to beconsidered discrimination of themajority. English and French are officiallanguages in Canada (and NewBrunswick) and are equal to usein any institution.French and English are officiallanguages and, although equal,their use cannot be forced untoany person by the government.French and English are officiallanguages in New Brunswick and the government is responsible toensure that public services are available in both.In any government setting (ofCanada or New Brunswick) onemay speak in either officiallanguage.Any legal documentation printed and published by the government must beavailable in both official languages and both versions have equal legal status.Both English and French may be used incourt in Canada and New Brunswick.Anyone in Canada or New Brunswick caninteract/relate with the government ineither official language. On a federal levelthis applies to;a) places where many people speak eitherlanguage, creating a demand, and,b)it is reasonable for services to be provided in both. The Charter does not overrule any languagerights in any other Canadian legaldocument.Canadian legislatures MAY provide services in any other language. You have the right to have yourchild educated in English orFrench if;a)it is their first languageb)either parent was educated inthat languagec)if another child in that familywas educated in that languageIf there are enough eligiblechildren, the government mustprovide minority languageeducation with no additionalcharge to the parents If a person feels theirCharter rights and freedomshave been violated, they may takethe issue to court for a chanceof composition. If any evidence used in court was collectedin a way that violated a right or freedom,the process shall continue without the evidence. The Charter cannot take away any rightgiven to Aboriginal people by treaty,The Royal Proclamation, or any current land claim/agreement.The Charters purpose is not to detract from other rights in Canada.Nothing in the Charter should conflictwith multiculturalism and culturalheritage in Canada.The rights and freedoms in the Charterapply equally to both male and female people.The Charter does not affect any constitutionalrights regarding schools not runby the government.Any mention of a province or provincial legislaturein the Charter includes the territories and theirappropriate authorities.The Charter does not affect the authority of anygovernment in Canada. The Charter applies to bodies ofparliament and government, not toindividuals, businesses, or otherorganizations. A three year delay will exist between the applicationof the Charter, and Section 15,so that all laws may be changedto conform to the rights andfreedoms in it. Under this section(Application of Charter), a lawmay take away or limit Charterrights, however, the governmentmust provide appropriatereasoning, and the laws may notcontinue for more than five years. All information contained in the Canadian Charter of Right and Freedoms is a part of Canada's Constitution Considering that Canada is foundedon ideas protecting the power ofGod and the rule of law, the following apply:
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