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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Postwar Destruction, Decolonization, and the Start of the Cold War Cold War and the Allies The Soviets: Domination, Culture, and De-Stalinization - Many international powers decreased during the cold war.- Countries like Australia, New Zealand and Canadabecame close to the US --> they wanted to expand their influence and develop connections around the world.- Australia and New Zealand joined a defense pactwith the US in 1951-Canada limited the further US penetration- Australian and New Zealand exports becamedirected towards the Pacifics Changes in the US Women's movement - Many changes took place in the US - Changes in the federal government-Departments set up to manage foreign policy- Made policies to contain the Soviet Union- Ronald Reagan became president --> was conservative and committed to military- In the end, the US emerged as the world's "only superpower" - Shift of focus to the US --> Many scientists moved to the US - Development in arts and sciences - Europe retained advantage in films - French and other European countries had contributions- Popular culture developed --> coca cola -sexual culture-youth fashions, separation from upper class After the death of Stalin in 1953, Stalin’s successor, Nikita Khrushchev, criticized Stalin’s poor treatment of foreign competitors and unpreparedness for World War II. Khrushchev supported the Cold War and began expanding the Soviet space program. The Soviet military grew, and the country won several victories at the Olympic Games, ultimately proving their ability to compete at an international level. Soviet Control During the mid-twentieth century, the Soviet Unionexpanded its influence into Eastern Europe. They stationed troops in Eastern European countries. They became powerful in Eastern Germany, but many of those in East Berlin were opposed to the overbearing Soviet government and migrated to West Berlin.The Soviets finally built the Berlin Wall as an effort to stop the migrations. The Berlin Wallrecently after construction Soviet Culture Cold War Allies Due to a period of isolation, Soviet culture flourished uniquely. The power of the Church was limited. The Soviets looked down on modern, particularly abstract, forms of art. Classical music was valued. Literary works reflected Russian and Marxist values. Scientific research was funded, with discoveries being made in physics, chemistry, and mathematics. De-Stalinization Sputnik, the first Earth satellite and a major accomplishment for the Soviets European nations struggled to overcome economic problems, as well as other problems that resulted from the war such as housing, transportation, hunger, and refugees. Aftermath of World War II Nationalism and Decolonization Rising nationalism in colonies of the West due to postwar weakness led to decolonization in areas such as Kenya and Algeria. Even after independence was gained, many Western nations maintained economic, cultural, administrative, and military relations with their former colonies. Outbreak of the Cold War: 1945 -1947 o Centered in divided Germany o Soviet troops occupied much of eastern Europe, installing communist regimeso The iron curtain divided free and repressed societies o The U.S. responded to Soviet rivalry both economically and politically (Marshall Plan)o Creation of rival military alliances as nuclear capability grew: NATO and the Warsaw Pacto Military capacity and focus in the U.S. grew In Western Europe o Democratic political systems and the welfare state grew as defeat in war discredited fascism and rightist movementso The nature of nation-state rivalries changed as nations became more linked with the creation of institutions like the European Union o Rapid economic growth (encouraged by the welfare state and European Union) reduced previous social tensions, improved incomes, and increased immigration and consumerismo The societies of Western Europe and the U.S. began to converge, sharing a popular culture and industrial economies Image: -The war brought many jobs to women-New Feminism.- The book published in 1949 brought many women to emphasize equality. Western Culture
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