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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 CEMENTOS ARGOS CEMENTOS ARGOS CEO Location Offices Company structure Main competitors Number of employees Fun facts Founders Type of company Claudino Arango Jaramillo, Rafael andJorge Arango C.,Leopoldo Arango Ceballos, Carlos Sevillano Gomez and Carlos Ochoa Velez Main activity Limited company by shares, with approximately 100 shareholders 11.000 Argos has four ports in the US, four in Colombia and two in Venezuela, one in Panama, the Dominican Republic and Haiti. In Colombia, Argos is the largest land freight carrier. Argos has 14 cement production plants, of which 11 are located in Colombia and the rest are in Panama, the Dominican Republic and Haiti.Four of the 11 Colombian plants are located in northern Colombia, and are dedicated to exports, while domestic demand are 7 plants located in the departments of Antioquia, Cundinamarca, Valle, Boyacá and Santander. Holcim and Cemex In Medellín A producer of Portland cement. In October 1936 the factory started production. In 2008, seeking to diversify its portfolio to be significantly involved in other sectors of the economy, decided to invest in the energy sector by acquiring 16% of Compañía Colombiana de Inversiones - Colinversiones - having energy production as one of its foci investment in 2005 merges all producers and distributors of cement in Colombia under the name Cementos Argos SA and acquires concrete companies Southern Star Concrete and Concrete Express in the United States. José Alberto Vélez Cadavid The United States is where Argos has its largest production capacity of cement (8.9 million cubic meters per year).Production capacity cement Argos in Colombia is only 1.7 million cubic meters per year Presidency: Jorge Mario VelásquezVP of the USA Region Division: Eric FleschVP of the Caribbean and CentralAmerican Regional Division: Mauricio OssaVP of Human Resources: Jorge Ignacio AcevedoVP of Innovation: Camilo RestrepoVP of Technical Affair: Victor LizaraldeVP of Legal Affairs and SustainabilityVP of Finance: Carlos Horacio YustyVP of the Colombian Regional Division: Tomás Restrepo
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