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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 You Finance Assistant Sign and collect signatures from your manager and Budget Owner.Give it back to Finance Assisant. Business Trip Cost Reimbursement BEFORE THE TRAVEL Send information on destination and time of the travel to Finance Assistant Finance Assistant books Business Trip Order number and sends you back Fill Business Trip Order:- Manager informs you on travel budget - Insert BTO number from Finance Assistant- Print it- Sign and collect your manager's signature- Give it to Finance Assistant Finance Assistant archives BTO AFTER THE TRAVEL 1. Collect invoices on accomodation and transportation:AccomodationYou need an invoice from the hotel or other service providing accomodation.In case of group booking, you need to get an invoce or a copy of the invoice from a person who booked the accomodation. On the document write information on your individual cost.If your accomodation was paid with FTS card,remember to deliver an invoice from the hotel.TransportationAttach e-ticket if your travel was paid by FTS in payment process.If your transportation wasn't paid by FTS Financein payment process you need to deliver an invoice,or state if it was paid by other organization.2. Stick all invoices, bills, tickets, etc. to A4 paperand number them.3. Insert information about the documents toBusiness Trip Request, accordingly to thenumeration. 4. Send Business Trip Request to Finance Assistant,deliver the documentation. Finance Assistant checks the documentation.Prints first page of Business Trip Requestand gives it to you to collect signatures. Finance Assistant starts Payment Process.
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