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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Springfield Public SchoolsBowerman Elementary LUNCH STATUS2012-2014*Free:81-95%*Reduced:7-9%*Full Pay:9%MOBILITY 2012-201478-104.8% DEMOGRAPHICS(2012-2014):Black:17%White:77-79%Hispanic/Latino:0-2%Am. Indian:1-2%Asian: 0% Annual Performance Report Data2012 71.4% Points Earned: Problem Areas: Std.1 ELA, Std.2 ELA/Sci2013 65.7% Points Earned: Problem Areas: ATTENDANCE, Std.1,2 Math/ELA2014 51.4% Points Earned: Problem Areas: Std. 1,2 Science, ELA, ATTENDANCE STAFF CHARACTERISTICSStudent/Teacher Ratios 2012-2014:19:1, 17:1, 21:1Teachers with Advanced Degrees 2012-201456.7%, 48%,50%Years Experience 2012-201410.4 yrs, 10.8 yrs, 10.5 yrs Internet Usage 90% of Millennials 75% of Millennials use social media Today's teachers Bowerman Elementary achieved 94% of their points on the 2014 APR while the statewide and district achievement rate was 89% and 82% respectively for K-5 schools. The school's 90/90 attendance rate has consistently declined since 2012; consequently, the APR score has suffered.While attendance in in itself is a problem, it could also be an underlying cause of decliningassessment scores! 80% 80% 80% 80% 80% How do we IMPROVE? What can we CONTROL? ACCOMPLISHMENTS In 2012, a large portion of Bowerman students were classified as Below Basic. In 2013, students were largely displaying Below Basic Achievement. Scores in 2014 declined, and the majority of students achieved Below Basic results. Why are scores suffering? ATTENDANCE HERE'S WHAT WE KNOW Bowerman Elementary's Opportunities for Improvement Bowerman Elementary's Opportunities for Improvement BUT... CONSIDER THE FOLLOWING We know all of these things affect student achievement, but there are no causal relationships between these factors and student performance outcomes. 60 Elementary SchoolsWith High Poverty Rates Had 71% or More of Their Students Achieve Proficient or Advanced Status on the MAP Test. 80% CONSIDER THE FOLLOWING...
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