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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Bilingual Learner's Brain A gift parents can give to children that money cant buy The part that appear more active in the brains of bilingual children is called the executive control system. The system consists of networks that are responsible for cognitive abilities that support goal-oriented behaviors including attentive focus, prioritizing, planning, self-monitoring, inhibitory control, judgment, memory, and analysis. These networks of executive functions are the last regions of the brain to mature. They can be developed by destroying unused neurons and myelinating axons that are more active. Executive functions are usually less developed in childhood and would gradually become stronger with the maturation of prefrontal cortex in the mid twenties. However, this part of bilinguals brains would develop in a faster pace. There is a misconception that the brain might be overwhelmed with dual language exposure. However, the experiences with new challenges in general seem to strengthen the brains executive functions. This follows the neurons that fire together, wire together phenomenon that executive function networks develop stronger connections - dendrites, synapses, and myelinated axons when electrical messages travel through them when used. Multilingualism also affects the structural plasticity of the brain as the grey matter in the parietal cortex is more dense in bilingual children. Bilingual brains can also reorganize themselves and create new circuits, or have a neuroplasticity. The different grammar systems and vocabulary of using two or more languages regularly force the brain to work in overdrive. This would lead to the ability to increase in focus, intensity, duration, imitation, and visualization of the user. References: By : Bam, Prae, Khaimook
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