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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Keep them Wild Species The rising trend to own exotic animals. Damages done to humans In the U.S. alone the trade in exotic animals is a $15 billion industry. Damages done to Animals Injuries Deaths Big Cats 164 21 Primates 129 0 Reptiles 103 19 Elephants 52 14 Bears 28 4 Marine 9 2 Other 58 16 Total 543 75 Species Injuries Deaths Big Cats 8 55 Big cats 8 55 Primates 7 30 Reptiles 18 43 Elephants 7 11 Bears 2 6 Marine 0 3 13 52 Other Total 55 200 There are several lawsthat prohibit the selling and possessionof exotic animals,however they have littleeffect on the illegaltrade A tiger can bepurchased for as littleas $300 dollars, orless then a purebreddog References s/ Think Twice Keep Them Wild
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