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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Any individuals, business unions, or any organization receiving public fundsto disclose their finances and expenditures(exempt if the government determines the informationis detrimental to national security).The Federal Institute for Access to Information and Protection of Data (IFAI) becomes an autonomous body which applies to all 31 states and the D.F. The 2014 update increased the number of commissioners from 5 to 7.The law amends 4 different articles of the Mexican constitution. It requires all information in possession of government agencies, public trusteeships and public funds. Applies penalties and liabilities toboth Mexican and foreign individuals. Enhanced protection for whistle blower and their families. your artboard TEXT The Mexican State and Transparency Source: Transparency International Corruption Index 2014 2012Anti Corruption Law out of All governmental dependencies have to identify public officials who take decisions on contract awards. 2015Transparency Measures Contact protocols will exist between public officials and individuals. A specialized committee for ethics and prevention of conflicts of interest will be created inside the Secretariat of Public Finances Where does Mexico stand in the world? Accelerate the single window process for procedures related to the Government. 2012Anti Money Laundering Law Prohibits exercising anyforms of influence(applies to former public servants,up to a year after their service).Prohibits activity whereintegrity may be compromised. 2014Transparency Law Integrity rules will be issued to regulate the behavior of public servants. Addresses corporate money laundering.Requires non-financial businesses and professions to identify their clients.Establishes a specialized Financial Analysis Unit inthe Office of the Attorney General.Creates restrictions on currency for"vulnerable" activities.Imposes criminal sanctions and administrative fines. The public list of providers sanctioned by the government will be more detailed. Ranks 103 175 in the Corruption Index What has Mexico done to address this issue? 1. 2. There will be more mechanisms established to collaborate with the private sector in transparency and anti-corruption issues. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Public servants will have to declare possible conflicts of interest.
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