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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Many women who were or are sexually exploited face overwhelming poverty. Even withgovernment assistance and paid employment, income disparity means that these women have much less than the average family for their household budget. Julie receivesAssured Income for the SeverelyHandicapped and works part time. Heather recieves Alberta Works Not Expected to Work benefits All 3 women choose to pay for cable, thisis the primary form of family entertainment. All 3 of the women pay an average of $100/mo. for a cell phone for them and their teenagers for personal safety & securityvs. the average Alberta family that spends $180 on communication. All 3 women rely on Publictransport that costs $89/mo. or$3.20/trip. The average AB. family spends $1,122/mo. for transportation. Once all fixed expenses arepaid the women have little money left over for food.All rely on community resourcesfrom time to time. Fixed expenses are thosethat must be paid each month ie. Failure to pay rent will result in eviction Even with subsidized housing the women payan average of $890/mo.for rent. Variable expenses at first do notseem discretionary but for those facingan affordability gap they become discretionary ie. Food, clothing and personal care fall into this category Nicole experiences the "Welfare Wall"as employment income increases, benefits decrease disproportionately, In some cases causing the recipient to fall further into debt. Nicole has a full time job. Programs such as Building Blocks for Families operated by CEASE help to create hope for participants. By strengthening mothers you help to move the entire family out of poverty. With support the women have improved markedly in recent years. All 3 women have maintained custody of their children, obtained and kept stable housing and maintained a source of income. Julie benefits from increased government support, however she still falls short of being able to pay her fixed expenses and there is little money left over for variable expenses. Heather suffers from a chronic medical condition that inhibits her ablity to seek & sustain employment. In 2013, despite an increase in salary,Nicole experienced an affordability gap of$1,380 after paying her fixed expenses. The Affordability Gap A case study of 3 women In 2013, all Alberta works recipients received a 5% increase. That increasewas offset by an increase in several other monthly expenses. Her affordability gap is $1,790 Julie has experienced the greatest improvement in the past year. Her income gap decreased from $1,874 in2012 to a $831 in 2013. March 2015 The difference between what the average family has availableto spend on monthly expenses and what limited income familieshave available to spend on monthly expenses.
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