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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Estimated value of US Presonal Development Market - $10 Billion[Source Marketdata Inc]Estimated US market value of weight loss industry $60 Billion (2012)[Source Marketdata Inc]There are 201,000 global searches for the term '5 2' diet every month. [Source google keyword planner].A growing global obesity problemA rise in anxiety disordersA rise in the public and commercial interest of Mindfulness Product salesSubscriptionsCreate local support groups (let's take on Weight Watchers!)Online classesRetreatsOne to one advice/coachingAdvertising and affiliate linksSell or lease the site/project to an interested party Why will this idea work? LOGO HERE A pre-branded digital authority resource that provides informationabout the ever evolving and growing interest in the 5:2 diet and how the concept has evolved into a lifestyle choice.It instructs people on how to take better control of problem areassuch as weight, financial control, exercise, relaxation, leisure, relationships,business on two designated days of a week. Market Opportunity Who are the target customers? What's the BIG idea? Monetization description here lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,consectetur adipsicsing elit description here lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,consectetur adipsicsing elit description here lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,consectetur adipsicsing elit description here description here NHS forks out £4 million to send obese patients to Weight Watchers[Source] 51% DietersHead of familiesLifestyle interestedPersonal development typesStudentsAlcohol drinkers The term 5:2 diet is used widely by news media outlets in published content.There is no official authority on this subject as yet.The domain names,,,, and other variation names have been registered by myself and are available now for market exploitation now!A growing global obesity problemA rise in anxiety disordersA rise in the public and industry interest of Mindfulness.5:2 dieting is particularly attractive to males. Typically, males do not diet.Very little competition in it's field Personal Development US market value estimatesMarketdata projected that the total market size would grow $11 billion by 2008.In 2012 Laura Vanderkam wrote of a turnover of 12 billion dollars.In 2013 Kathryn Schulz examined "an $11 billion industry" [Source Wikipedia] U.S. Weight-Loss Market Tops $60 Billion [Source Marketdata Inc 2012] High Level Concept: Just 5:2 It Newspapers love reporting about the 5:2 diet Key channels and routes to market? Websites & appsSocial mediaGroup classesLead generationExhibitions Franchisees NHS referrals Weight Watchers, created by New York housewife Jean Nidetch in the early 1960s, was bought by Heinz in 1978, who in turn sold the company in 1999 to investment firm Artal for $735m.[Source Wikipedia] How to 5:2 your life: It's the diet phenomenon that swept Britain. Now a new book shows how the same simple rules can transform your finances, career and even love life... [Source Daily Mail 2/2/14] A Unique Marketing Opportunity! Newspapers love reporting about the 5:2 diet! What are we waiting for? - Let's 5-2 It! According to Mintel research, the 5:2 diet, which encourages intermittent fasting where followers survive on as little as 400 calorieson two fasting days a week, is now the nations favourite, chosen by 39 percent of dieters. The domain names,,,, and other variation names have been registered by myself and are available now for market exploitation!
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