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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Is the Internet Ruining Your Brain?! Is the Internet Ruining Your Brain?! A HistoryLesson (a long time ago) (a long time ago!) Making print infinitely more accessable, Gutenberg's invention of the printing press only exacerbates the availablilty of these "mindsucking" books. Making print infinitely more accessable, Gutenberg's invention of the printing press only exacerbates the availablilty of these "mind-sucking" books. After recognizing his newly developed inability to focus on long pieces of writing, wellknown American writer, Nicholas Carr, had the hunch that the internet is changing the way we think.Could it be effecting us all without us even realizing it Furthermore, is that so bad? After recognizing his newly developed inability to focus on long pieces of writing, well-known American writer, Nicholas Carr, had the hunch that the internet is changing the way we think.Could it be effecting us all without us even realizing it? Furthermore, is that so bad? A Short SelfEvaluation: A Short Self-Evaluation: WHAT CAN YOU DO? Along comes radio and television, requiring evermorepassiveparticipation. Along comes radio and television, requiring ever-more-passiveparticipation. Lowers "bad" cholesterol levels through page after page? Do you have difficulty focusing OR reading long texts? Does the thought of being separated from your mobile device make your palms sweat? If you answered yes (for you, or for a friend) to any question, continue... If you answered yes (for you, or for a friend) to any question, continue... brief BO OKS Plato warns readers arein danger No longer will their memories serve them. He fears a new age of blind belief and reliance on text. Plato warns readers arein danger! No longer will their memories serve them. He fears a new age of blind belief and reliance on text. Printing Press (around 1439) (around 1439) Take time to UNPLUG! Computers &... THE INTERNET! Computers &... THE INTERNET! Early 20thcentury By the 2000s, the internet changed the way we access andspread information. By the 2000s, the internet changed the way we access andspread information. Welcome to warp speed! Fast access to up to date information Pros vs. Cons Keep in touch easily overany distance of the internet Forgetfulness, less relianceon memory Distraction, inability tofocus Set aside timeswhen cellphonesand digital mediaare off limits. Only allow yourselfa certain amount oftimes per dayto check emailand messages Take breaks from multitasking. Tryfocusing on a book, text, meal, anythingwithout media inthe background. SOURCES:The Shallows by Nicholas Carr"Connected, but Alone?" by Sherry Turkle us Infographic By:Sarah Welder Do you find yourself on the web mindlessly clicking
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