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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 socialsite/johndoe Joe Chalfant Terrorism Terrorism: The use of violence and intimidation in the pursuit of political aims.Terrorism is a tool used by groups to gain what they believe should be the way of life. It is not limited to a specific group, anyone can be a terrorist. Ranging from the KKK to ISIS just to name a few, they all want to purse their political agenda. Terrorism by the numbers: It is simply not true that only Muslims are terrorists. In fact, based on a report from the FBI the group that has committed the most terrorism are Latinos, followed by extremist left wing groups. Muslims were actually ranked second to last, only beating out those pesky communists. 2013-2015 SODALES COMPANY Who is ISIS?ISIS is an extremist Muslim organization based out of Iraq and Syria. They are led by Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, and hope to implement Sharia Law on the entire world. ISIS uses social media and fear in order to recruit new members to their cause. 2012-2013 ACCUMSAN COMPANY Purus et vehicula feugiat vivamus tincidunt diam posuere odio consectetur, a accumsan 2011-2012 PHASELLUS COMPANY Quisque ut urna ac diam condimentum ullamcorper. Nam convallis eu est eget 2010-2011 ELERISQUE COMPANY What can be done to combat terrorism?Some say nothing can be done because terrorism is an idea, and ideas can never be killed. People will always hate others and they will want to hurt them, whether it is phycological or physical pain. 2006-2010 INCEPTOS UNIVERSITY How likely are you to be killed or harmed by a terrorist? 2002-2006 CURABITUR COLLEGE Praesent scelerisque nunc nunc, 1998-2002 COMMODO HIGH SCHOOL ETIAM VENENATIS ULTRICIES PURUS CRAS DUI ALIQUAM FINIBUS What can be done to combat terrorism?Some say nothing can be done because terrorism is an idea, and ideas can never be killed. People will always hate others and they will want to hurt them, whether it is phycological or physical pain. How likely are you to be killed by a terrorist attack?The numbers can't really be found because of different countries classification of terrorism, as well as deaths that might not be counted. But based on all terrorist attacks launch on United States soil, you are more likely to be killed from furniture falling on you than being killed by a terrorist. So be on the lookout for the cartoon famous grand piano hovering over your head.
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