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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 The Ancient Religion of Tonga 2005 2006 October vulputate. Proin efficitur eleifend efficitur. Curabitur elit velit, vehicula sit amet mi vitae, feugiat aliquam. Fusce molestie in dui et fermen-tum. Donec porta velit sit amet dignissim pharetra. Cras at elementum orci, et semper tellus. Phasellus scelerisque est a elit porttitor tempor. Lotu This is an image of the Lotus Flower. Religions all around the world are, in some way, connected to this flower, including Tonga. The "Lotu" was what the Lotus flower was called by the Tongans, and is actually the Tonga word for Religion and Prayer. The beliefs of Ancient Tonga is what the Lotis flower represented to them. An interesting fact about the Lotus flower, the Tongan civilisation believed that the unseen parts of the flower represented the place of the spirit world and where the deceased lived. 2010 Sed est mauris, euismod in pharetra eget, pharetra quis velit. Sed vestibulum, enim vel laoreet tempor, nunc lorem efficitur ipsum, sit amet tincidunt ipsum mi eu augue. 2012 Fusce molestie in dui et fermentum. Donec porta velit sit amet dignissim pharetra. Cras at elemen tum orci, et semper tellus. 2007 2015 By Daniel Cooper Fusce molestie in dui et fermentum. Donec porta velit sit amet dignissim pharetra. Cras at elemen tum orci, et semper tellus. Fusce molestie in dui et fermentum. Donec porta velit sit amet dignissim pharetra. Cras at elemen tum orci, et semper tellus.
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