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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Wilson's Disease Symptoms: swelling, fatigue, abdominal pain, and uncontrolled or poorly coordinated movements. Symptoms begin from ages 5-35 This disease releases extra copper into the bloodstream which causes damage to the brain, kidneys, eyes and other internal organs Wilson's Disease is sex-linked and not on the x chromosome. This disease is located on chromosome 13. The gene controls the way the cells get rid of excess copper Wilson's Disease is caused by an inherited autosomal recessive mutation or change in the ATP7B gene After diagnosis, people should reduce their dietary copper intake and for example eat shellfish, liver and nuts. Medications, zinc and chelting agents like trientine (Syprine) and d-pencillamine can be used to treat the disease With Wilson's Disease, the liver does not filter copper correctly so the copper builds up inside your organs A person's risk of being a carrier or having Wilson's Disease increases when his or her family has a known history of Wilson's Disease. Men and woman develop Wilson's Disease at an equal rate Wilson's Disease is a rare inherited disease that prevents the body from getting rid of extra copper A diagnosis for Wilson's Disease can be found through a liver biopsy which will test the liver for excess copper. This is genetic testing and a blood test can be done to identify the genetic mutations that cause the disease. Genetic counseling is an option By Jessie Tyler Wordwide, Wilson's Disease effects approximately 1 in 30,000 people
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