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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 2014: Another Year of Giving Hope Here's how Connor's Heroes helped children in treatment for pediatric cancer in 2014 89 Heroes Bags & Backpacks 2,904 Volunteer Hours 24 Superheroes & Sidekicks $13,000 In Family Support The Superheroes and Sidekicks Program connects community volunteers with siblings who need support, encouragement and friendship during their familys cancer journey. As we get to know a family, we learn where they need help. We develop a personalized care calendar to organize volunteers who will assist the family. Our Heroes Art Ball is oursignature fund raising event, but we partner with churches,service groups, schools, etc.who want to raise money for our Heroes. As the family moves into the routine of repeated clinic visits and hospital stays, we organize our community of volunteers who directly help the family. We give a family individualized support that is unique to their lives and childs diagnosis. Connors Heroes understands that cancer is different for every child and so are the burdens every family faces. We spend countless hours with a family getting to know their lives, interests and challenges. 5 Rooms Decorated Connor's Heroes gives every pediatric patient (infant to age 20) diagnosed with cancer at the Children's Hospital of Richmond at VCU a Heroes Backpack. To find our more details about how Connor's Heroes helped more than 100 families in 2014, visit our Year In Review, at $50,000 Raised BySpecial Events 20 Helping Heroes On day of admission, a child entering the Bone Marrow Transplant Unit is surprised to find his/her room decorated in the comforts of home. $8,800 To Pediatric Cancer Research We started the Connors Heroes Pediatric Cancer Research Fund in 2007. It is the only fund with VCU Massey Cancer Center dedicated to research in the treatments and cures of pediatric cancer.
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