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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Objective 1 Unidad para la Prevención de la Violencia - Assists in the design, formulation, development and implementation of MSC´s violence prevention plans and projects Objective 2 Laboratorio de Medios -Redesign of already existing communication projects regarding violence prevention Red Ciudadana - Violence prevention strategic innovation, throughthe use of low-cost technology-Strengthening spaces foryouth participation in the MSCs Ilifebelt - Innovating by havinga violence prevention community manager- Generatingcommunication through social networks -Training the youthin the MSC´s abouttheir participation in violence prevention and the Youth National Policy -Trainings in violence prevention to the three MSC´s mentors and the implementation of The Cure Violence Health Model in three neighborhoods in the selected MSC mentor Cure Violence Jovenes contra la Violencia -Development of prevention initiatives of youth violence at regional, national and local levels-The development of a platform of youth participation that seeks to influence regional policy to prevent violence. Glasswing International: A Ganar -Train the MSC´s youth in the methodology A Ganarin which by constructingalliances with private sector companies and academia where youth can incorporatein to the labor force or resume their education Deportes para Compartir -Train the MSC´s on the promotion and practice of civic values and the promotion and respect to the socio-cultural diversity and inclusion-Support IRI and CV in thereplication of the practice of healthy lifestyle habits Red Nacional de Grupos Gestores -Train the MSC´s on Local economic development seen as an strategic process, based on public and private participation withina territory (town, municipality, Commonwealth) Instituto de Capacitacióny Productividad -Installing technical capacitates and preventive this alternative for preventingviolence and increasing the MSC´s members income Fundación para el Desarrollo de Guatemala - Incorporate the MSC´s work in the "Coalition for publicsafety". Structure wereNational Government,civil society and entrepreneurs develop,implement and evaluate initiatives in violence prevention -Train the MSC´s on the monitoring and evaluation of violence prevention plans and strategies Campus Tecnológico Guatemala -Encourage technological development in the municipal security commissions throughforeign investment,training, programmersand academia-Create a "Venture Capital" investment fundto boost local companies. Objective 3 Concejo Nacionalde la Juventud KEYCircles = PartnersOvals = ObjectivesGray = Government PartnerBlue = CSO PartnerLarge circlesindicate greaterlevel of involvement.All objective three partnersare also objective two partners. IRI oversees all of these arrangements.
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