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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Multiple Personalities:) :( Sarah Price Multiple personality disorder is when an organism has two or more distinctpersonality states and distinct identities. Symptoms: -At least two of these identities or personality states recurrently take control of the person's behavior. Each may exhibit its own distinct history, self-image,behaviors, and, physical characteristics, as well as possess a separate name. -Visual or auditory hallucinations may occur. -The reported range of identities is from 2 to more than 100. Half of the reported cases include individuals with 10 or fewer. -Individuals with DID may also have posttraumatic symptoms. -Several studies suggest that DID is more common among close biological relatives of persons who also have the disorder than in the general population. Affects Who: -frequently report having experienced severe physical and sexual abuse, especially during childhood. -Young children faced with severe sexual or physical abuse or neglectoften times have DID (Dissasosciative identity Disorder) Research has shown that the average age for the initial development of DID is 5.9 years old. -It affects women nine times more than men.and occurs in .01-.1% of the population Treatment: -There's no "cure" for dissociative identity disorder, long-term treatment is very successful, if the patient stays committed. Effective treatment includes talk therapy or psychotherapy, medications, hypnotherapy, and adjunctive therapies such as art or movement therapy. Talk Therapy -is psychotherapy -psychotherapy is when you talk aboutyour symptoms and problems as well as working towards solutions.It focuses on the past and working pastold baggage. Medications -Anti-depressants are commonly used, especially those in the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors -Anti-anxiety medications such as Klonopin can be used to help with sleep issues, panic attacks, and flashbacks. -anti-psychotics and mood stabilizers.are used as well. Other stuff: while in a different personalityor alter; Some alters may harbor aggressive tendencies, directed toward individuals in the person's environment or toward other alters within the person. -he or she is usually not aware of their condition -In individuals where dissociation is thought to be a symptom of another mental illness such as BPD
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