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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Qualitative Quantitative vs. Research Methods How to analyze a website? Understand&observeuser's behaviour SEMIOTICS layer SYNTACTIC PRAGMATIC layer PlasticFigurative layer Action-ObjectObject-Action CommunicativeMeta-communicative -Interface as a production device.-Propose a framework for understand &design websites as sign systems.-Semiotic Engineering -Limits the interaction between human and computers.-Semiotic has not yet produced a an integral theoretical framework. TESTING To get feedback from users satisfactioncomfort... Performance measuraments Subjective measuraments Task Analysis/ Use Case:succes, errors, time, clicks... 5 participants Create Scenarios: what users come to your site with&how to satisfy them VIRTUALETNOGRAPHY USABILITY Analysis of the INQUIRY - Objective + subjective information- No distance observation and registration- Symmetric: researchers = participants- Sincerity and confidence- Technological mediation* - Difficulty to get the objectivity and the real immersion.- Uncontrollable circumstances- Limits are not clear- Real online identity?- Techonological mediation* Technology is social Identity + sociability onlineSocial organization in virtual contexts A vaccine stimulates a persons immune system double click to changethis text! Drag a cornerto scale proportionally. Researcher's immersion Direct observation Interviews INSPECTION according to Jakob Nielsen Analysis of the interfaceto detect possible interaction errors Cognitive Walkthroughs. Heuristic evaluation. 10 Nielsen's heuristics (and more) -The analysis of usability can saymany things about the web andinteraction system.-It's an instrumental approach -the analysis of the usability can hide some elements. -This methodology cannot say WHY. It is focused on saying WHAT. Collecting quantitativedata from users and getting information about them Field observation Interviews/focus group -Bruce Tognazzini's 16 principles-Ben Scheiderman's 8 golden rules-Lund usability maxims These are qualitative methodsbut the answers can be quantified More a DISCOVERY process than a EVALUATIVE process
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