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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Power, Order & International World Politics Power, Order & International World Politics JOIN the world,or becomeIRRELEVANT! 1991 States will be weak,corrupted by foreign capital, unable to meetwelfare of people Globalization Globalization Paris School of Business 1.0 Case Expose motor of unity,it will increasewealth of all nations Globalization & Sovereignty of Nations Globalization & Sovereignty of Nations Does globalization mean the end of the age of states? cosmopolitan culture [Howell, 1998] Globalization means the end of sovereignty [Boli, Elliott, Bieri, 2004] - lost control of their economies - powerless to deal with large scale problems- too small for big things- overwhelmed by globalization- shrank in power Nation States: - MNC's assemble goods across the globe- Financial markets are open states lost exchange rates- Creation of supranational institutions such as WB, WTO,..- Rise of NGO's- Connectivity through technology & communications- increased wealth & prosperity- borderless Result of globalization: [Saul, 2004] Globalization means the return of national power - backlash against globalization- making a recovery, renewed rise- create identity- provide social safety nets- guarantee international security- protect the environment- raise taxes Nation States: 1.1 Case Controversy 1.1 Case Controversy UN has 166 members Now UN has 193 members ethnic divisions 2.0 Preliminary view 2.0 Preliminary view Why acceptglobalisationforces? [Norberg, 2006] benefit from collaboration [Eduard Balladur] global revolution in travel communications international trade MULTILATERAL COOPERATION! [Barrett, 2007] 3.0 Is loss of sovereignty a good thing? 3.0 Is loss of sovereignty a good thing? 4.0 Globalization & The rise of nation states 4.0 Globalization & The rise of nation states - Can't take care of people's needs ex. ISIS Conflict- Led by Great Powers which impact global foreign and trade policy ex. Trade agreement TPP- reduce control of national states- Increase competitive intensity between members 5.0Does globalization mean end of the ageof states? 5.0Does globalization mean end of the ageof states? Acceptance of Global Governance& Global CommunityUnified[Norberg, 2006] "According to Credit Suisse, global household wealth increases by Emerging markets increase global share to 8.3%- USD 263 trillion" in 2019 21% The ratio between income levels and wealth in the US are as bad as the Great Depression - need a nation to collect taxes- security, safety net- create cultural identity to avoid nationalist violence Connectivity Supply ChainsNetworksExpertise Effects of globalization: Networks moderatebehavior strength of economic role of state increase # of International competitorsexchange & cross-border investments Decrease Multiplier Effects Multiplier Effects 3.1 What about supranationalentities? 3.1 What about supranationalentities? [[Neil Peirce, Salzburg Session ] The World Order is too Cruel Enmity, not Amity [Appiah, 2006] collaborative participationin global competition Supranational Institutions can bring wealth & education The need for sovereignty [Boli, Elliott, Bieri, 2004] States will be weak,corrupted by foreign capital, unable to meetwelfare of people Caboose Breaking Respect for all cultural identities and sovereignty of their nation states Tell us your thoughts onglobalization and it's impacton state sovereigntyThank you Tell us your thoughts onglobalization and it's impacton state sovereigntyThank you [Saul, 2004] Globalization means the return of national power How does sovereignty end? Conservative Backflash In developing states:Globalized part of nationstate wants to separate in order to progressCreates own nation stateExamples: Kosovo - when people start to think that there will be a loss of power or identity > so they break (can be violent) - autonomy desired 1979 Iranian Revolution westoxification,western decadence Nation State vs. Nation - loss of sovereignty can lead to rise of religious sentiments and idealogical passions!
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