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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Should We Avoid GMOS? What Are GMOS? Should We Label GM Products? 92% %8 Opponents of labeling are saying that it is unfair to combine arguments against the harm on the environment caused by industrial agriculture with a lab to make better seeds, since farming is already hurting the environment and it doesnt matter what kinds of seeds are used. Genetically modified organisms are developed by changing an organisms genetic makeup that dont occur in nature. Most of the GMO crops that are on the market right now were genetically engineered to make their own pesticides or to be unaffected by herbicides that would usually kill them. Herbicides are used by farmers to control weeds. 1. 2. For Labeling Against Labeling People that are against GM foods say thatconsumers have the right to know what exactly they are feeding to their children and their selves. Labeling is obvious, there is a fundamental physical change in the plants that's patented, says Kimbrell of the Center for Food Safety. Reason to Avoid GMOS 1. GMOS contaminate. GMOs seeds can travel because they cross pollinate. Its impossible to have all of the contaminated gene pool 100 percent clean. GMO pollution will makeglobal warming and nuclear waste last much longer. The possible impact it will have on generations in the future and their health will be huge. Organic ornon-GMO farmers are having economic losses because of GMO contamination and they struggle to keep their crops in good quality. 2. GMOS are considered unhealthy. Ever since GMOS were first introduced, Americans with chronic illnesses have gone up from 7 percent to 13 percent. Food allergies have went up, and disorders like autism and others are rising. Even though there isnt enough evidence to prove that GMOS are the main reason, doctors groups like AAEM are telling us not to wait for anything to happen before its too late. There are dangerous side effects. By merging together genes from different species that have no relation together will make many side effects. Also, not taking into account of the types of genes inserted, the whole process of making aGM plant or crop can make huge collateral damage that can make new toxins, carcinogens, nutritional deficiencies, and allergens. 3. Safety Concerns Some studies of GMOS on animals have suggested that GMOS can cause damage to your liver, kidneys, and immune system. The federal government has not yet proved for geneticallymodified foods to be safe before they are used in our food. 1. 2. There hasnt been enough researchto determine whether GMOs areharmful to people, says Michael Hansen, Ph.D., senior scientist at Consumers Union and an authority on genetic engineering. But scientists around the world agree that GMOs have the potential to introduce allergens and create other unintended changes that may affect health. 3. Approving GMOS The organic foods industry have been seeing record growth, while research about GM crops has been slowing down markedly. Biotech companies have quit trying to continue genetically modified varieties of specialty crops in favor of industrially grown commodities like cotton and corn. 1. Between 1994-1998, U.S. regulatory authorities approved 17 GM fruits and vegetables. The USDA calls these crops specialty crops.They only approved 3 crops in the next decade, even though specialty crops financially record about 40 percent of the U.S. 2. Facts About GMOS Herbicides that are usedon GM crops can harm many different animals and organisms. They reduce biodiversity, pollute water resources, and are unsustainable. 1. The Northeast Organic Farming Association foresees, If GM products pollinate with organic fields that are nearby then organic farmers could lose their organic quality and their prices will drop. 2. After GMOS were first introduced in 1996 more health problems have been growing. 3. When GM foods were first introduced, scientists and industry officials thought that it would make healthier foods that wouldnt spoil so soon, taste better and lessen the amount of impact that agriculture had on the environment. But some GM crops have failed to show any benefits at all. 4. McLure, J. (2012, August 31). Genetically modified food. CQ Researcher, 22, 717-740. "10 Reasons to Avoid GMOs." Institute for Responsible Teachnology. Jeffery Smith, 2003. Web. 11 Feb. 2015. Rock, Andrea. "Where GMOs Hide in Your Food." Consumer Reports News. Consumer Reports, Oct. 2014. Web. 11 Feb. 2015.
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