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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 TEXTBOOKS PROS TABLETS vs Accesible Anywhere Enrivonmentally Friendly Need Electricity CONS Most e-textbooks cost around $30 per book. Textbooks can be used anytime anywhere as long as light is present. Use of Materials Easy to Use Without electrical powertablets are just a piece of glass glued to metal. Tablets have many functions such as highlighting ability, dictionary, and the capability to zoom. Since they do not require paper they eliminate the number of trees needed to be cut down. The first purchase of the device itself can range from $300-700. Long Lasting All they take is the ability to read. It All Adds Up As technology becomes more prevalent in our society the argument of tablets vs textbooks carries on. Hard copytextbooks are the classic form of viewing information, and allow students to use them anywhere. In comparison tabletsare portable and compact and climate the bulkiness of carrying around textbook. They also have a variety of functions and are cheaper when looking at price per book. Both options are suitable for student learning, but ultimately depend on student preference and how they learn best. Initial Device Cost High Price per Book Heavy Distracting Has Many Functions 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 Device Weight Cost per Book Access Cost Cheaper Price per Book The use of a tablet can be extremely distracting to a generation that grew up using tablets as toys. Textbook costs, even for a used book can be extremely pricey. The weight of a textbook is almost 5 times that of a tablet, and has been known to cause back problems for students who are often carrying many books in their backpack. Each textbook uses anywhere from 100-500 pages A book is a timeless artifactthat can last for hundreds of years if taken care of. Whether you are experienced with technology or not tablets appear to be the textbook of the future. It must be taken into consideration though that with different learning styles teachers must provide textbooks as an option for students who learn better with a hard copy in front of them. Therefore...
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