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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 ExecutivePowers Legislativepowers Diplomaticpowers Judicial powers Militarypowers Executes the law byadministering and carryingout federal laws. Ex. thearmed forces, gun control,social security, minimumwages, affirmative action,environmental protection,immigration, taxes, airtraffic safety. This onlybegins the list. The ordinance power is the day-to-day jobof administering andusing federal laws.Many offices, bureaus,departments,councilsand commissionsmake up the FederalGovernment. The president can notsucceed without the helpof others, so the appointment power isthe administering ofjobs, mostly by thepresident, todepartments in the government. The president alsohas the power toremove appointedofficers from theirpositions which would be theremoval power. The first of the3 major messagesthe Chief Executivegives is the stateof the Union message. Theother two include President's budgetmessage and theannual EconomicReport. ThePresident comesup with his topicshe believes needsmore laws andfurthers themessage to Congress. Recommendinglegislation includes3 major messages:The State of the.Union Message, thePresident's Budgetmessage and anannual EconomicReport. The president hasfour options whenreceiving a measurepassed by congress;one of these includesthe Veto Power. The power to maketreaties lies in thepresident's hands.A treaty is a formalagreement betweentwo or more sovereignstates. To go intoaffect it must beapproved by 2/3 ofthe senate. Executive agreementsare pacts betweenthe president and thehead of a foreignstate or subordinates.These do not requiresenate consent. The power of recognitionis when the presidentacts for the U.S. andacknowledges thelegal existence of acountry and theirgovernment. The president indicates thatour country accepts theircountry as an equal in theUnited Nations family. To reprieve is topostpone theexecution of a sentence. To pardon is thelegal way offorgiving a crime.The president hasno authoritywith those,yet they canpresidentiallypardon someone convicted in court. Commutation is theright to decreasethe time or pricecharged from the court. A general multi-personexcusal of punishmentis an amnesty. Military powers are oneof the positions thepresident takes.Often times they areindirectly involved inmilitary operations,they always have thefinal say. Undeclared war isthe power used bythe president thatis often questioned.This is the makingof war without thedeclaration of themaking. The mostcommon exampleis the use of armedforces overseas. Congressionalresolutions: althoughcongress hasn'tofficially announcedwar since World War II,there have been eightfollowing occurrencesin which the presidentsjointed resolutions withcongress. In order to limit some of the president'swar-making powers,congress passed the warpowers resolution. Sources:-Magruder's American Government textbook Parents and Children
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