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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Parent and Children Responsibilities between Parents and Children Parents are equally, and legally responsible for their children's: 1. necessities2. social & morals 3. Development 4. Must control & supervise their child be behavior Parents are equally, and legally responsible for their children's: 1. necessities2. social & morals 3. Development 4. Must control & supervise their child be behavior Paternity Parents must support their children whether married, or not, dating, and regardless of were they live. Paternity is fatherhood, supporting pregnancy expenses, and child support. Parents must support their children whether married, or not, dating, and regardless of were they live. -Paternity is fatherhood, supporting pregnancy expenses, and child support. double click to change this title text! Support Basic responsibility of a child: Life, food, clothing, education, medical care Emancipation Free from legal controland custody of theirparents at 18 years old, or gets married, joins armed forces, or can support themselves. Education All children have right to free public school, and must attend from age of 7-16 years old Parents have the right to pick if their child attends public, private, parochial, or homeschooling. Parents are responsible for their child's attendance, if a childis truant or missed so without justification, parents can be fined or arrested for not going to school. Medical Care Parents have to protect and supervises their children health.Parents can be charged with neglect if they ignore their child's health. Doctors need parental permission, unless there is a life threatening emergency. Care & Supervision Parents can do whatever is best, as long as they don't abuse or neglect their children. Parents may leave children alone as long as they are okay to care for themselves, or have someone responsible watch them. Parent may discipline their children however they wish as long as its not abuse or neglecting them. Child abuse, Neglect, &Sexual Abuse child neglect happens more then child abuse and involves failing to feed, shelter, educate, supervise or medical needs of a child.Sexual abuse have increased dramatically in recent years.Increasinly parents are bringing civil suits against abuse.
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