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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 THE ETHICS OF READING AND MAINTAINING SERVICE Son jovenes aplicados a las nuevastecnologias y motivados por un airede los anos 1980. Generalmente son los hijos de lageneracion mas joven de los BabyBoomers y de la Generacion X.Los padres de esta generacion en lineas generales nacieron entre1960 y 1980. OVERVIEW PRACTICE SITUATION ' INITIAL REFLECTIONS Generacion internacionalnacida entre 1995 y el primerlustro de la decada del 2000 Generacion internacionalnacida entre 1995 y el primerlustro de la decada del 2000 La educacion y el trabajo desempenan un rol poco importante en sus vidas. SURGE... ACONTECIMIENTOS SURGE... - During a recent practicum, where I primarily constructed care plans for/with individualswith intellectual disabilities, a situation occurred that continues to provoke reflection. - On a busy afternoon with numerous meetings and care plans to finish, I skimmed a file prior to my next appointment. This service user file was similar to numerous othersthat I had read. It contained psychological assessments, previous care plans, etc. However, at the time, I failed to notice that the service user that I was about to meet was/is aregistered sex offender.- My supervisor was running late but confident in my own abilities (three and a half months into my placement), I instructed the receptionist to lead the service user to the boardroomand I prepared to start his care planning alone. - I entered the room, closed the door, and sat down. As I was introducing myself, I notice that the service user was touching himself inappropriately. He had begun to masterbate.- My immediate thought was:  Did I miss something in his file? This week we will be discussing the ethics of readingand maintaining service users' files in practice. Please complete the following:- Listen to my podcast and review this infographic - While reviewing my content, note if I have blurred my ethical dilemma and the practice-based dilemmas within the situation that I outline- Consider and respond to the discussion questions that I outline and/or provide me with any insights that may beuseful to me as I contemplate and construct my final paper USERS' FILES IN PRACTICE Ethical dilemma ->  Can I ethically read and maintainservice users files in practice? Central questions here: Postmodernism: What do I know about those I support? How do I know this? What does this knowing mean? This is a postmodernist consideration, which is intertwined with questions like: how is our knowledge constructed about service users?; and more specifically, how do files influence our understandings of service users' needsand experiences? Feminist ethics of care: What role do files play inmanaging practitioner safety (particularly when the practitioner is a woman and the service user has beendesignated criminally dangerous)? Ethical dilemma vs. practice-based dilemmas here: Practice dilemma -> How can I negotiate a practice encounter in which the service user is performing asexual act? POSTMODERN ETHICS - Postmodernism raises many ethical questions in relation to this practice situation. Further questions include: can we effectively respond to serviceusers armed with a sense of knowing them through their files?; and, doservice users deserve to be considered without the baggage of this foreknowledge?-This service user's sex offender designation and the corresponding reports inhis file are not necessarily accurate reflections of who he truly is. -However, had I known of his sex offender status, my care-based considerations and choices would have been different. Fore example, I would have ensured at the onset of planning that the location of his day programming was not in close proximity to any schools/locations frequented by children (in accordance with his parole). But, there is more to this this ethical dilemma... FEMINIST ETHICS OF CARE - Feminist ethics of care lead me to consider my own vulnerability as a woman when interacting with potentially dangerous individuals in practice. More specifically,I wonder how my gender-based vulnerabilities (and my (dis)ability) influences myworking relationship with a man acting sexually inappropriate in my presence.-This perspective helps me to recognize my own positionality as a woman and thepotential strengths and pitfalls of engaging in a care-work relationship with a high-riskand vulnerable service user. His situation warrants an approach that may lead to anemotional care relationship. I, as one of his caregivers, must always be mindful aboutmy own vulnerability/safety. - In accordance with this perspective, I must know of this service user's sex offenderstatus to care for him and protect myself. DISCUSSION QUESTIONS 1.Inherently, postmodernist ethics and feminist ethics of care take up this ethical dilemma in different ways. Postmodernism asks practitioners to question and deconstruct received knowledge, which pushes us to engage with service users without reading their files. Conversely, feminist ethics of care is predicated on the idea that women must be able to respond effectively in care situations by reducing their vulnerability, which suggests thatreadings files is an important step. Which approach do you consider more practically appropriate? Do you prefer to read files, or not read files? Why? 2.Under what circumstances are files necessary and important to keep on service users? Who has files, and why? For whom are they important (i.e. service users,practitioners, and/or both)? 3..Are there ethical reasons why we might want to read or not read files?4. How do files of information inflect our understandings of service users, alter ourrelationships with them, and/or influence our practice decisions?
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