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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 WHICH METHOS CAN WE USE TO ANALYSE A DIGITAL PRODUCT? QUANTITATIVE Big data QUALITATIVE Digital humanities Data too complex for conventional tools to analyze. DATA COLLECTION:In web and social media. Area of investigation in which humanities and computing converge.It applies the knowledge of new technologies to humanity sciences. Semiotics of interfaces Semantics of interfaces Find out how we construct meaning through images. We focus on the shape,position, size, value, texture, color and orientation of the image. Study the signs that integrate an interface to arrive to the process of constructing meaning. Syntax of interfaces Sequence of action that interface users execute to accomplish a task. DATA COLLECTION: Number of clicks ANALYSIS TECHNIQUES:Condensation: reduce the number of steps (easier and faster)Extension: extent whats happening (tension or other emotional states) Pragmatics Analyse the different ways statements are created taking intoaccount the context. DATA COLLECTION: By studying the situation (place and time) and the people involved in the conversation. Web analytics Virtual Ethnography Analyse and understand the new digital society. DATA COLLECTION: uses interviews, observation, focus groups, etc. through the Internet. QUALITATIVE Which methods can we use to analyse a digital product? Advantages Disadvantages SEMIOTICS OF INTERFACES Semiotics complements traditional quantitative research, and it's also usefulat reconstructing the interface meaning structures Semiotics, unlike quantitative methods, is not reliable and replicable, because is not based on empiricdata. You cannot apply the results into a different interface, each one has to be analyzed separately. SEMANTICS OF INTERFACES Its universal You analyze the image on its own, you dont take into account the context Its universal SEMANTICS OF INTERFACES You analyze the image on its own, you dont take into account the context SYNTAX OF INTERFACES Its simpler and easy You miss information that could be interesting because you are just focused on the speed of the process. PRAGMATICS VIRTUALETHNOGRAPHY Researches can be made without schedules or the need of a place. It's cheaper and easier to reach specific groups of people and talk about sensitive topics. Finally, the extracted facts are kept in the network so you cant lose them. Loss of the information that oral communication gives and possible lack of coordination of time between the question and the answer.The data privacy is permanently in the network. Difficult to know if the interviewedis the person he says he is. BIG DATA Its useful because it drives new market opportunities and costumer retention Objectivity and accuracy are misleading. Bigger data does not mean better data. Not all data are equivalentso that they cannot be analyzed in the same way.Sometimes its not ethical. There are a lot of data whichis accessible but it does not mean it can be used for free. Limited access to big data creates new digitaldivides, so its not allowed to the whole society. DIGITAL HUMANITIES It helps to identify similar textes You only focuse on the content Possibility of discovering many hints in the messages It can be tough way of analysing compared with other easier techniques Measurement, collection, analysis and reporting of web data for purposesof understanding and optimizing the impact of a website on its users. DATA COLLECTION:Unique Visitors, Visits/Sessions and Page Views. We can see it in web pages like socialbakers, Internet archive(wayback machine), Google analytics, etc. WEB ANALYTICS Because of the cookies, its not as anonymous as people may think. For a better results the visitor should accept cookies. Improve the effectiveness of a website measuring the results Bibliography Christine Hine, Virtual Etnography.E. Ardèvol, M. Bertrán, M. Callén, C. Pérez // Etnografía virtualizada: la observación participante y la entrevista semiestructurada en línea.The Challenge of Changing Audiences.The sense of the interface:Applying semiotics to HCI research.
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