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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Budget PublicEducation Aruba Education confers onindividuals both personaland financial benefits. At times when thereare budget cuts for the state,public school systems seethe biggest loss of money. will continue the following secondary stream:59% M.a.v.o. 21% E.P.B. 18% H.av.o./V.w.o. (CB) The AmericanDream is Alive Final Verdict The American Dreamis different from personto person for some peopleit may just be to graduatecollege or even highschoolown a house and start a family. TheAmericanDream isAlive The road to the American Dream used to just be from poverty to themiddle class, done by most peopleby going to college and buying a house. The American Dream is stillalive because it can be lookedat differently by anyone.Therefore one can still achieveit because it is what they makeit through the help of their education What is theAmerican Dream?? Even with the help ofcommunity colleges,most jobs requirethe qualificationsof a bachelors degree,not just an associates double click to changethis text! Drag a cornerto scale proportionally. Community college andthe American Dream - public expenditure in Education (21%)- primary and secondary enrollment rates (105% and 97%)- introduction of compulsory education- after school care (traimerdia)- PRISMA project 0 20 40 60 80 100 January February March April May June July This shortage is becausethere is no one qualified tofill these positions Most people who enrollin a community collegedo so in order to advancetheir qualifications forpotential career options. In the last 2 years approximally 800 teachers from the pre-primary, primary and traimerdia, has participatedin the Conscious Displine course. 12.262 7284 16.4 69 7284 529 13.7 13 2624 555 11.3 3 Student Teacher Ratio # of schools PrimarySecondaryTertiary There are 22.173 student from the primary to the tertiary education Our Education system ranks quite well compared to other countries in the region across a numberof areas Mavo (111) EPB (94) Havo (86) 0 10 20 class 1 class 2 class 3 class 4 class 5 class 6 In the next 10 year there is a chancethat 26% of the teachers in Aruba willretire with pension. 5% of all the teachers are alreadyabove the age of 61 and still workingin the education field. In the next 10 year there is a chancethat 26% of the teachers in Aruba willretire with pension. 5% of all the teachers are alreadyabove the age of 61 and still workingin the education field. Facts of the Education in Aruba 2013 The 1361 student of the 6th grade that finalized the primary school: It is now widely acknowledged thatthe most effective pathway to improved student learning outcomes isthe quality of teaching, especially teachers ability to motivate and facilitatesuch learning An alert factor about the education of Aruba is the high repetitionrate of grade 1 student in theprimary education (16%). Due to specific shortage in certain subject in the education system, there are 147 teachers of the primary/secondary/ EPI (tertiary)who are bound by several schools with one hour to, several hours. 1340 full-time and 166 part-timeteachers of the primary, secondary and tertiary education. language (Eng, SP) Most freguently subject; the subjects of ciclo basico chemistry mathematic
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