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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 my site 1. le cerveau traite l'image l'image 60 000 fois plus vite que le texte2. 90% des informations transmises au cerveau sont des images3. La durée d(attention d'un adulte est comprise entre 2,8 et 8 secondes4. Plus de 94% de vues pour les contenus contenant des images5. Les visiteurs passent 100% de leur temps sur des pages contenant des videos6. Les contenus visuels pertinents engendrent plus 90% d'engagement L'image Plus efficace que le texte? L'image Plus efficace que le texte? Le saviez-vous? Speak LOUDER to your Audience With Video Marketing! There are usually 1-2 video results(depending on the niche really) and its all or nothing when it comes to ranking. Its wrong to confuse Video Views, Subscriptions & Favorites asThe 'only' ranking factor for Videos. Views for social Video Ads reach 1.3 Billion. This is double ofprevious years, Quarter Results ~ReelSEO More Referrals Wider Reach Engagement Time 85% US Traffic Prefers clickingA Video Result to retrieve serviceor product related information~ComScore Rank 1st It is20% Easier to ranks #1 with a video result as compared to a website. Much cheaper than TV Ads.Video marketing can help you showcaseyour services & products at amazinglylow production cost. According to Borrell & Associates "Online Video spending is estimated to account for 1/3rd of all advertising in next 5 years. for a video (1.5 min) is 10x higher than a static ad. Clixlogix | Infografix | Copyright 2012
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