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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 your artboard start from scratch[clears the canvas] Homework Tests Quizzes Classwork Projects 25% 30% 10% 20% 15% Math I Syllabus EXPECTATIONS Be willing to learn Ask for help when needed Be Respectful IN THIS COURSE WE WILL ... 1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. 2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively.3. Model with mathematics.4. Use appropriate tools strategically.5. Look for and make use of structure. Need Help? I will have tutoring sessions after school every Tuesday and Thursday from 3:00 - 4:00. Grades Need to Contact Me...Email me Class Website: Class Twitter:@math1_spangler Assignments All grades will be posted on the Edmodo site in order for you to keep up with your grade. Homework: Quizzes: Tests: Projects: Classwork: A few homework problems will be assigned each night. These problems are to help you better understand the material taught in class. This assignment will not focus on accuracy, but the effort put forth. In other words, as long as you try you will get credit. Quizzes will always be announced in order for you to have time to review the material. We will have three tests throughout the semester covering the material taught in class. Unlike other classes you will have multiple attempts on tests until you feel as if you have learned the material and earned the grade you desire. In other words, if you put in the work you can earn the grade you want. There will be three tests throughout the semester covering the material learned in class. Unlike other courses you will have multiple attempts on tests in order for you to earn the grade you desire. So, if you are willing to learn and work hard you can earn the grade you want. There are two projects in this class that you will work on throughout the semester. These projectswill help connect the material we are learning in class to real-world problems. Classwork is the most important part of the classand will effect your grade the most. In order to dowell you must be involved and willing to learn in this class.
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