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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Depends on keeping the earth's natural threshold under control, as well as the resourcesthat provide people with dignity and opportunity Life of essentials are comprised of: Food, water, basic health care,education, freedom of expression, political participation, and personal security Chapter 3: Defining a Safe and Just Space for Humanity State of the World 2013 - The Worldwatch Institute - GDP is NOT an all encompassing measurementIt fails to reflect:o Degradation of natural resourceso The invaluable but unpaid work of carers and volunteers o Inequalities of income / poverty and social exclusion We need to create boundaries and better metrics that focus on: Planetary Boundaries/ Environmental Ceiling Human Well-Being/Social Foundation How is this defined? How is this defined? The earth's natural threshold that is fringing on its ability to sustain human activity There are 9 interrelated planetary boundaries, such as:Climate regulation Freshwater cycleNitrogen cycle At least three of the nine boundaries have already been crossed:Climate changeNitrogen cycleBiodiversity loss Shared international concerns/ areas of improvement for the social foundation Deprivation of Food, Water, Health care, Income, Education, Energy, Jobs, Voice, Gender equality, Resilience to shocks & Planetary Boundaries + Social Boundaries = New Perspective On Sustainable Development 13% of the global population was undernourished in 2010-12 39% of the global population waswithout access to improved sanitation in 2008 30% of the global populationwas without regular accessto essential medicines in 2004 34% of the world population had a employment gap between women and men in 2009 waged work Using 3% of the global food supply would end world hunger among 7 billion people (13% of the global population). Creating electricity to the 19% of the world population that currently lacks it, would only increase CO2 emission by less than 1%. Ending extreme income poverty for the 21% of people who live on less than $1.25 a day wouldonly required 0.2% of the current global income. Where is the majority of the excess comsumption coming from? The wealthiest 10% of people in the world & Companies with resource-intensive production patterns In order to use the new and improved metric, we need to shift our mindsets to also measure elements like: 1) A shift to what is sold TO WHAT IS PROVIDED FOR FREEMany goods and services that are essential to a human's well being are provided for free Examples: housework, unpaid care, volunteer services(provided by parents, volunteers and nature)2) A shift from the flow of goods and services TO MONITORING CHANGES IN UNDERLYING STOCKSBetter accounting for nation's fundamental wealth for: its natural human and social assets 3) A shift from aggregates and averages TO MONITORING DISTRBUTIONThe actual distribution of incomes, wealth, and outcomes across a society that determines how inclusive its path of development is4) A shift from monetary focus TO NATURAL AND SOCIAL METRICS"Not everything that matters can be monetized, nor should it be."
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