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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 1924-1933 The great depression 1914-1923 WW1- The War to end all Wars. 1934-1943 WW2- the world erupts again 1944-1953 post, rebuild & migration. 1954-1963 cold war & space race 1964-1973 social revolution 1974-1983 oil crisis & nuclear threat 1984-1993Australia opens it doors 1994-2003..... meaning of Pritchard 2004-2013+ the Pritchard have been on many adventures in the past decade. Journeying from the northern shores of Britain to the sunshine paradise of Hawaii and many countries between. Pritchard Journey 1914-2015 The Pritchard do there part fro the war effort! HammondoJoseph Hammond (18901966) joins Australian Imperial Force (AIF) in December of 1914 as a volunteer in 36th Infantry Battalion , sent to Belgium sailing on the miltatry transport HMAT BeltanaoInjured in Europe and sent to a repriation facility in South London in 1918 where he meets Lucy Boto (18931976) who was a volunteer assistant. oThey marry in 1919 and return to Australia on the vessel HMAS Shropshire and settle in southern Sydney PritchardoWilliam Pritchard (18781961) and Louisa Walker (18811991) meet and marry in Birmingham in 1900 and immigrate to Australia virtually penniless in 1904 with 3 childrenoWilliam uses his trade as a metal smith to secure work manufacturing equipment and munitions supplies supporting the military effort; Louisa starts a small local grocery store to sell local produce. The Pritchard do there part fro the war effort! Hammondo Joseph Hammond (1890-1966) joins Australian Imperial Force (AIF) in December of 1914 as a volunteer in 36th Infantry Battalion , sent to Belgium sailing on the miltatry transport HMAT Beltanao Injured in Europe and sent to a repriation facility in South London in 1918 where he meets Lucy Boto (1893-1976) who was a volunteer assistant. o They marry in 1919 and return to Australia on the vessel HMAS Shropshire and settle in southern Sydney Pritchardo William Pritchard (1878-1961) and Louisa Walker (1881-1991) meet and marry in Birmingham in 1900 and immigrate to Australia virtually penniless in 1904 with 3 childreno William uses his trade as a metal smith to secure work manufacturing equipment and munitions supplies supporting the military effort; Louisa starts a small local grocery store to sell local produce. Originating from wales it is a surname created from the personal name of Richard. Formerly known as ap-Richard (ap meaning "son of") it later became Pritchard. Hammondo As a war veteran, Joseph Hammond is provided a very small grant from the Government after his discharge from the army that helps to put a deposit on a small house in Southern Sydney, but work is difficult to find. He also has some ongoing medical challenges as he had suffered from mustard gas poisoning whilst fighting in Europeo In 1929 Joseph and Lucy Hammond have their second child, Marjorie Hammond (my nan)Pritchardo William and Louisa Pritchard build a small house on new land release near Georges River in Southern Sydney and have their fifth child Robert Pritchard (my Grand father) in 1925o At the age of 12, and in difficult times Robert is required to leave school and is sent by steam train to Ardlethan in country New South Wales to work as a farm hand on a sheep farm; He earns no cash but food and shelter are provided J.F.K assassination1963 Michael Jordan era 1985-98 WW1 1914-18 WW21939-45 moon landing1969 atomic bomb dropped 1945 End of Vietnam war1975 Sydney harbour bridge 1933 America'scup 1983 Beatles era1962-70 Bolshevik revolution 1917 End ofCold War1991 First Apple PC1976 o William Pritchard continues to expand his metal work workshop with 2 sons including their youngst Robert; they start to make metal spare parts and shell casings for weapons for the Australian Army towards the war effort.o Marjorie Hammond leaves school at 15 years and takes training as a seamstress, sewing clothes and repair work in a local textile factory and saving War Coupons for little luxuries like an occasional packet of chocolate. o Robert Pritchard and Marjorie meet at a dance at the local Workman's Institute which was built with volunteer labour during the Depression Years and used for packing war parcels for the Army during the day and all types of social gatherings at nighto They marry in 1949 shortly after Marjories 20th Birthday and live in a room built from second hand building materials attached to the back of the Pritchard cottage . Australia enters a period of political stability after the end of the War, with the conservative parties under Robert Menzies holding power for 20 years Robert and Marjorie Pritchard continue to have a happy life together of hard work and simple entertainment with friends games nights, music and parties at home, dances and occasional camping weekends everything done as cheap as possible ! Robert and Marjorie Pritchard have their third son Colin Pritchard (my Dad) The two older brothers finishing high school (very different from their parents) and going on to be the first Pritchards to have a chance to go to University with the Whitlam government removing tertiary education fees in 1972 Some some risk of being drafted into the Army to go to the Vietnam War Colin follows their foot steps going to local schools, joining the Soccer Club and doing Scouting activities throughout his teen 1966 Australia continues to expand international trade with Europe & US, but later more to Japan & China bringing more investment and influence from outside; an open door immigration policy towards war refugees from SE Asia changes the social mixAustralia takes centre stage when Australia II wins the Americas Cup 1982 and then meets a historical milestone to celebrate 200 Year Australia Bicentennial in 1988 Colin completes high school and goes on to study business at University where he is interested in politics and involvement in new social campaigns including protecting the environment (Tasmanian Dam Blockades in 1982, rise of the Nuclear Disarmament movement 1986, and later the historic Aboriginal Land Rights campaigns 1980)Colin moves to Sale , Victoria for work in 1989, meets and marrys Lisa Brentnall (my mum) a teacher of deaf children in 1991. Colin and Lisa Pritchard live and work throughout Victoria, NSW, Tasmania and Western Australia during the early years of their married life, having their first daughter Michelle in 1995 and me, Matthew in 1998 They have 2 sons Stephen (1954) and Brian (1956). Following the War there were many children born at this time local schools were overflowing and local suburbs becoming very close knit with family orientated activitiesRobert and Marjorie become involved in activities with their boys local Presbyterian Church Soccer Club and then later in the local Scout unit. Stephen and Brian join Cubs and later to Scouts in their teen years. Robert becomes a Scout leader for the next 15 years. Robert Pritchard (my grandpa) William Pritchard (my great grandfather) William Pritchard's cottage (he bought this after WW1) Lucy Boto
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