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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 ITEM NO. 004 Преимущества экономпанели LOGO HERE Среди множеств преимуществ экономпанелей можно выделить: LIFESPAN COMPARISON ITEM NO. 003 ITEM NO. 005 description here lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,consectetur adipsicsing elit description here lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,consectetur adipsicsing elit description here description here description here description here description here 13% 44% 32% 19% 7% WEIGHT GAIN STRATEGY Ceramic Composite Brakes : 300 000 kms Drum Brakes : 90 000 kms THE FLYWHEEL Binnacle, Equipements ... 130 HP ELECTRIC POWERED 1964's Porsche 911 performances against 2012's 911 345 HP Cools down twice as fast as regular disc brakes Carbon Fiber 15L/100 kms 6,7L/100 kms Porsche developed Ceramic Composite Brakes which are the most efficient brakes which can be equipped on street cars New ways of using flywheels to improveperformances or reduce fuel consumptions. FLAT SIX ENGINE The typical Porsche engine :48 years of technological improvement. Delivers 163 extra HPs during 6 to 8 seconds THE BRAKES TECHNOLOGICALADVANCE Resistant to temperature over 1700°C Aluminium USE OF LIGHTERMATERIALS Titanium 4E1 2012 Clement PORTALES Developped for the 911 GT3 R Hybrid conceptIt stores energy when the car is braking to give extra power when needed. Disc Brakes : 60 000 kms The RS versions, made lighter for better performances, can gain up to 100 kgs from the original version More versatile than Carbon disc brakes
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