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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Digestive System how to fight human trafficking DONATE SHOP WITH PURPOSE. keep your eyes USE SOCIAL MEDIA fundraise participate in benefit runsand walks donate Blog pRAY Pin TO TELL THEIR STORIES write a letter to a survivor OPEN invite a speaker Copyright Delicate Fortress Creations tweet PancreasSecrete insulin to lower blood sugar levels Transports food from from the mouth, when it's being swallowed to the stomach Esophagus Receives food from the esophagus, then secretes acid & enzymes that store food Stomach double click to changethis text! Drag a cornerto scale proportionally. Large Intestine- Absorb water- Store waste Small IntestinePlace where digested food is absorbed, then carried into the bloodstream,through the Villi double click to changethis text! Drag a cornerto scale proportionally. Gallbladder - Produce Saliva- Help food go down easily, by chemical digestion- Secrete Amylase Salivary Gland double click to changethis text! Drag a cornerto scale proportionally. RectumStores wastes, before they can be removed from the body AnusPlace where wastes exit through By: Linh Tran Stores Bile, to break down fat droplets Liver- Secretes chemicals to produce Bile- Detoxifies blood to get rid of harmful substances- Stores simple sugar Glucose - Stores some vitamins & iron- Destroys old red blood cells- converts stored sugar to usable sugar, body's sugar level falls below normal
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