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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 What  is  database -A collection of informationthat been organized. -Allows information to easy retrieval, change information, filter, and output of data. -A data that could tranffer into many kind of information. Importance of database -Important characteristic in modern business. -The database can manage the data consistency. -Available to avail data sharing facility -Available to collect all relevant information with one unified system -Allow control data easily. Challenges/issues that mayface during database systemdesign and development -Limits On Scalability -Constantly changing landscape -Lack of trained people -Decentralized Data Management -Auditability -Low leverage of data assets -Increasing Data Volumes -Data Security Suggestion on how to overcomethe challenges/issues -Stronger security of data -Increase limit of scalability -Increase more leverage of data assets -Increase trained people -Better managing system -Increase stability of system -Increase sorting type of database Real world example of database General Interest Databases Discipline-Specific Databases Subject-Specific Databases -Academic Search Premier (EBSCO)-Academic OneFile (Infotrac) -Ethnic NewsWatch-PAIS (Public Affairs Information Service)-SocINDEX (EBSCO)-Sport Discus -ABI/INFORM-CINAHL (EBSCO)-Historical Abstracts-PsycINFO REFERENCE Real world example of database Importance of database Challenges/issues that may face during database system design and development What  is  database
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