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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Multimedia Qué sé hacer Qué programas y herramientas domino POR QUÉ QUIERO TRABAJAR EN 'EL ESPAÑOL' -Excelente redacción-Rigor periodístico-Amante de la crónicay el reportaje Redes Sociales Following posts about your company or products can help discover problems and suggestions. Easy to monitor competitors and keep tabs on what they're creating. Not necessarily the main goal of the platform. The company can put itself in a positive light by staying ahead of the trendsby posting relevant and interesting content. Creo firmemente en la utilidad de las Redes Socialespara hacer periodismo.Seguir coberturas de'Breaking News',buscar fuentes de informacióny material periodístico,experimentar con herramientasde gestión y análisis. Easily respond to complaints and present a strong customer service presence. Presenting a strong social media presence can help your company seem more accesible to consumers. CARTA DE PRESENTACIÓN Qué puedo aportar Can be useful in responding to crisis situations. Be careful not to over use quick response because it can easily backfire if a consumer is angry with thebrand. Tengo un perfil digitaly elaboro historias e información Multimedia (texto, foto, vídeo y audio). Busco, redacto y edito en cualquier soporte. Hago infografías. Easy to host surveys and polls about current and future products. The platform encourages people to speak their minds which may spark new ideas for the company. -Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn, Instagram y Pinterest-Hootsuite y SocialBroBuffer, Storify, Feedly,ManageFlitter, Google Trends, (Google Url shortener), Yfrog, Klout, TweetDeck,Topsy,TweetNews. Reporterismoy redacción CECILIO GALDÓN Periodista
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