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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 FEBRUARY How did the revolution change the way people lived in Russia? Loss of territories - productive land,industries and raw resources OCTOBER The RussianRevolution CAUSES WWI made the financial state of Russia unstable; many battles were lost and Russia kept losing money REVOLT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The emperor,Nicholas II, refusedto involve himself in governmental affairs.He was an inefficientleader On March 7th, the womenwent on strike and other workers of St. Petersburg joined in. The navy stormed their own boats and shot all of the officers that disagreed with them. The people were sick of being treated as inferiors and called for change. Under orders, soldiers reluctantly shot protesting citizens and felt extremely bad for it. Soon,soldiers turned against their officers and the Tsar was forced to abdicate. He was ironically mostly Germandue to his lineage. He was also the second cousin of King George V ofEngland. He was assassinated twoyears after he abdicated. Nicholas II Rising Prices 1914 1917 AFTERMATH The revolutiononly lasted8 days,for the emperordid not put upresistance.If he had,the results would not havebeen well. With the emperor gone,the nobility and aristocrats found theirgolden opportunity andtook over the government.They formed the provisionalgovernment, which did not satisfy the needs of thepeople.This soon led to thesecond revolution in October. CAUSES Deaths in WWI (comparison) Russia U.S.A The first revolution wasnot enough. The Russianswere fighting a losing war,the bread prices risingand people were starving.The government of Russiahad changed from onedespot to a collection ofdespots, so it seemed. How much moneyneeded to buy bread = REVOLT!!!!!!!! (again) Kerensky was a socialist who actedas a liaison betweenother socialists andthe government. Hefled to the U.S afterthe revolution. In October of 1917, the people were sick of the ongoing war, the financial crisis, being hungry and the chaos reigning in the cities.They turned to the Bolsheviks, a communist party, which they had viewed as radical in thepast. The revolution lasted two days, where people broke into the Winter Palace and made the provisional governmentwrite their own arrest papers. Lenin was in exile due to his radical ideas. He returned after the Februaryrevolution and organized the October revolution.He later formed the SovietUnion.
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