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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Sport & Event Management COMM 230 Mass Media & Law COMM 240 Princ. of Public Rel. HMGT 246 Princ. of Mtgs. & Conv. HGMT 317 Catering & Sp. Event PHIL 320 Sports Ethics PSYC 330 Applied Sport Psych. SPEM 217 Into. to Sp. & Ev. Mgt. SPEM 317 Recreat. Facility Mgmt. SPEM 337 Mrkt. Sp. & Spec. Events SPEM 417 Managing Non-Profits SPEM 437 Concess. & Ticket Sales Mgt. SPEM 190, 290, 390, 490 Practicum (4 hrs. min.) [Each course denotes 50 hrs. work - 200 hours required] SPEM 499 Internship Competencies & General Education Requirements Reading (ACT/SAT Score, Competency, OR ENGL 145)COMM - Communications 110, 211, or by competencyCSCI - Comp. Science 148, 150, 190, or by competencyENGL - English (Writing) 106, 107, OR 206ENGL - English (Adv. Writing) 202, 272, 302, 305, OR 306HPE 100 - Wellness Course Fine Arts (6 hrs. from 2 different areas) Fine Arts, Theatre, Music, or Communication ________________ , __________________Foreign Languare/Culture (3 hrs.) Bilingual/Multi, French, German, Japanese, or Spanish _________________Humanities (3 hrs.) English, Philosophy, Religious Studies, Gender Studies, or History/Humanities _________________Mathematics (6 hrs.) MATH 123 ___ and MATH 132 ___Natural Science (6 hrs. from 2 different areas) Biology, Chemistry, ESOHM, Geology, Physics, or Natural Science _________________ , _________________Religion/Philosophy (3 hrs.) Religious Studies or Philosophy ___________________Social Science (6 hrs. from 2 different areas) Anthropology, Criminal Justice, Economics (200 or 201), Geography, Gerentology, Political Science/Public Admin, Psychology, Sociology/Social Work, Law & the Liberal Arts, or Social Science __________________ , _________________+ Electives __________________
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